Marc Mouries <> writes:

> This is intellectually interesting but the question is not "who
> deserves to create good music?" but rather "who wants to listen to
> music made by someone that does not practice?" and who wants to listen
> to music played by a computer? Sure many times, nowadays, the
> rendition of a computer playing is quite good but who cares? Art
> conveys emotions which are the one thing that make us human and thus
> should be played by human.

Uh, you never heard of the concept of an "actor" or "play", I suppose?
Emotions don't need to exist at the sender's side in order to be
conveyed to a receiver.

And anyway, for most of the music I hear, I am more interested in the
emotions of the composer rather than the performer.

There is hardly something more aggravating than a romanticizing
performer distracting from good Bach, for example.

David Kastrup

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