On Mar 3, 2011, at 6:11 PM, Robin Bannister wrote:

> Tim McNamara wrote: 
>> There is a number in the middle of the bar which indicates how many bars to 
>> repeat, with a heavy horizontal bar on either side of the number. 
>    Would this do the sort of thing you're looking for? You ask for a 
> multi-measure rest (big R) and let \inlineMMRN move its count down into the 
> staff.     Cheers, Robin

Wow, that looks excellent!  *Exactly* what I wanted the bars to look like.  I 
am massively impressed with how that renders.  Thanks!  This is something that 
should get folded into the source code for Lilypond.  How the heck did you know 
to do that (something of a rhetorical question there- the short answer being 
that you know a lot more about Lilypond than me).

Now, I am not sure how to actually use this in a file.  I tried just using 
\include in my file and putting the \inlineMMRN R2.*4 where I want it to 
appear.  I ended up with 3/4 time, five empty bars with rehearsal marks at the 
top of the score, followed by a repeat and six bars with the desired indication 
of four bars to be repeated, followed by another repeat.  And the bars where I 
want the effect to render didn't.  Obviously that was not as you intended it to 
be used!

Sorry to be dense, Lilypond is complex far beyond my very simple needs; I've 
learned just the tiny bit I need to do lead sheets for my jazz band.  It would 
take me years to get through the documentation...

Thanks again!
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