On 03.03.2011 16:25, Francisco Vila wrote:
2011/3/3 Bernhard Ott<bernhard....@gmx.net>:
On 03.03.2011 12:28, Francisco Vila wrote:
Hello. I don't know if this is supported, at least it doesn't work for
me.  I want to cue a voice during silences in other, and resp. cue the
other during silences in this.
have a look at tag-related features of lilypond:

Very useful when it comes to cue-notes or different formatting in your
This is very interesting, thank you, what I'd like to know is why my
example does not behave and if it is possible at all to cue fragments
from A in B and conversely from B into A.  My example tries this but
the result is not very good, IMO
Sorry for my ignorance - I read your post too quickly ;-)

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