2011/1/31 Nils Gey <den...@nilsgey.de>:
> This is not about voice crossing. For something simple like crossing you look 
> up wikipedia and don't steal time from real humans on a mailing list :)
> In German speaking music theory the term "Niveauüberschreitung" is quite 
> common. A quick google search shows some amateur theory websites about this
> http://www.musiktheorie.org/glossar/niveauueberschreitung.htm
> http://www.lehrklaenge.de/html/weitere_regeln.html
> and others.
> To specify I have attached a new image, created by Janek Warchoł.
> If we assume Soprano and Alt you can see that there is no voice crossing. On 
> each chord soprano sings the higher and alt the lower note.
> However: Alt first sings c' and soprano e'. Second chord alt sings  a' which 
> is > e', the former soprano note.
> Thats the fact and I need a word for it. Not something made up but an 
> established phrase I can use in documentation and programs menu-labels.

Maybe it's "Part overlap rule", no.10 in

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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