
-----Original Message-----
From: Seth Williamson <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 14:27:29 -0500
To: "" <>
Subject: How to make multi-measure rest physically longer?

>A buddy of mine who is further along with LilyPond coding than I am
>helped me with transposing a solo piece I have to do before long.  (The
>Aldo Forte "Canzonetta for Euphonium and Band.")
>He encountered this situation: in the original bass-clef printed copy of
>the solo, there's a six-bar multi-measure rest just before a rehearsal
>mark, and a ten-bar multi-measure immediately afterward.  Then, after a
>single-measure time change, there's a five-bar multi-measure rest.
>But if he coded the rests with the values I have described, there is
>physically not enough room above the line to get in some mark-up language
>above the music both before and after the multi-measure rests.
>In order to get enough room to get the language printed without cramping
>(some tempo stuff, quarter note equals metronome marking, etc.), he had
>to break up the first six bars of rest into three units of two each, and
>break up the ten bars of rest into two groups of two and eight, and the
>five bars into one and four. This gave him the space he needed for the
>markup language.
>My question is this: is it possible to print the multi-measure rest
>sections with the values they have in the original copy (much easier to
>read and count that way), except physically lengthened so there's room
>before and after the rests to get in the tempo language?
>I have looked around but don't see a solution.  I'm figuring, though,
>that there must be a way to do this.  Can somebody tell me how to handle
>this situation?

Also scroll down a bit and look for the snippet

'Multi-measure rest markup'

Also what you can perhaps do is an override - for example I use the
following 3 settings

  \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = #8
  \override MultiMeasureRest #'minimum-length = #15


  \override MultiMeasureRest #'expand-limit = #8

this sets the number of rests before we make the full measure rest. So in
this example if you typed R1*8 or any number 8 or larger or had 8 or more
consecutive full bar rests, you would get the single 'multi-measure' rest

Then I use this override with different numbers

  \override MultiMeasureRest #'minimum-length = #15

For any measure that contains an 'R' there is a minimum width this measure
is 15 (I forget the units) but you can increase as you need.

If you set either of these override at the beginning of your piece *all*
multi-measure rests will be this big.

So if you want 'some' rests to be larger than others you need to use the

\once \override MultiMeasureRest #'minimum-length = #X where X is the
number you want immediately before the multi-measure rest entry in your

I hope this helps.



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