A buddy of mine who is further along with LilyPond coding than I am helped
me with transposing a solo piece I have to do before long.  (The Aldo Forte
"Canzonetta for Euphonium and Band.")

He encountered this situation: in the original bass-clef printed copy of the
solo, there's a six-bar multi-measure rest just before a rehearsal mark, and
a ten-bar multi-measure immediately afterward.  Then, after a single-measure
time change, there's a five-bar multi-measure rest.

But if he coded the rests with the values I have described, there is
physically not enough room above the line to get in some mark-up language
above the music both before and after the multi-measure rests.

In order to get enough room to get the language printed without cramping
(some tempo stuff, quarter note equals metronome marking, etc.), he had to
break up the first six bars of rest into three units of two each, and break
up the ten bars of rest into two groups of two and eight, and the five bars
into one and four. This gave him the space he needed for the markup

My question is this: is it possible to print the multi-measure rest sections
with the values they have in the original copy (much easier to read and
count that way), except physically lengthened so there's room before and
after the rests to get in the tempo language?

I have looked around but don't see a solution.  I'm figuring, though, that
there must be a way to do this.  Can somebody tell me how to handle this

Seth Williamson
lilypond-user mailing list

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