On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 09:58:15PM +0000, Neil Puttock wrote:
> On 14 January 2011 21:04, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> > Sometimes I am inclined to just commit and be done.  After all, this
> > would just omit a warning in working cases, and would fix the totally
> > broken warning message when breves and longas get into play.  Of course,
> > this latter part would require translations of the fixed message to be
> > placed in the message catalogs.
> It looks fine to me, apart from a whitespace nitpick.  The only thing
> missing is a regtest.

Why a regtest?  I mean, would what it check...?  would it just be
verifying that lilypond doesn't print a message in this particular
case?  At the moment we don't have a (good) infrastructure for
such regtests, but I hope to get that into play after 2.15.

I really think a regtest is overkill; I suggest fixing the
whitespace and then pushing it.

> BTW, where's the original thread?  I can't seem to find it in my email 
> history.

This thread started on -user, so if you don't read that list (or
if you read it with a different email address), you wouldn't have
that email.

- Graham

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