Am Mittwoch, 12. Januar 2011, um 09:02:19 schrieb Graham Percival:
> On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 12:04:50AM -0500, Marc Mouries wrote:
> > i'd like to know about the rationale behind not supporting chords 
> > notes of different duration.
> Because there's no such thing as a chord with notes of different
> duration.

But there is a notation for multiple stops that looks like a chord with 
of different duration. See e.g. Gardner Read, Example 23-12 (p.389):

> > In the case typesetting violin music it would be much simpler if the
> > notation for chord allowed for notes of different duration. It also
> > applies to other instruments where chords are arpegiated and the top
> > notes continue.
> That's not a chord.  That's multiple voices, and they're simple to
> write in lilypond.  Please read the learning manual.

To quote Gardner Read: "Chord notation for string instruments often 
incorrect to the non-string player."

* But Gardner Read is not an authority on music notation. There is no 

As a violin can only play one note, the other notes of the chord needs 
to be 
arpeggiated, and the chord notation shows which note will last and which 
only sound for a short time.

* The note to "last" can easily be in a melody part and have its
own stem. That makes it easier to visually separate the melody
from the self-accompaniment. Regards, daveA

For beginners: very easy guitar music, solos, duets, exercises. Early
intermediate guitar solos. One best scale set for all guitarists. ::: plus new and
better chord and arpeggio exercises. 

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