Ralph, look here: http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/~reinhold/temp/time_sigs.ly
I've used this, with some adjustment in the 2.13 development versions, and I think it works unaltered in 2.12. It should do exactly what you want. In some of the later 2.13 versions you have to manually control beaming as that gets broken, but since you are using 2.12, I think that Reinhold’s materials should work as is. In my case, I store the polymetric bits in a separate file and include them, so I get code like the following: > \include "../_includes/polymetric.ly" > > upper = \relative c'' { > \clef treble > \key e \minor > \override Score.TimeSignature #'break-visibility = #'#(#f #t #t) > \compoundMeter #'((3 3 2 8)) > \time 8/8 > \tempo 8 = 560 > \overrideBeamSettings #'Staff #'(8 . 8) #'end #'((* . (3 3 2))) > > %m1 > \once \override Rest #'extra-offset = #'(8 . 0) r1\mp | > r4. r4. g8(^\( fis8) | > \repeat volta 2 { > e4. e4. e4 | > d4. g4.~g4 | > .... It's been a while since I worked with this, and I think I had to manually force the beaming in some instances for later versions of 2.13. If you'd like a sample PDF and the full (2.13.24) file so you can see how these things work, let me know -Arle _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user