On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 04:23:23PM +0100, Éditions IN NOMINE wrote:
> Well I have used such tricks someone told me to use.
> For instance :
> #(define ((double-time-signature glyph a b) grob)
>   (grob-interpret-markup grob
>                          (markup #:override '(baseline-skip . 2.5) #:number
>                                  (#:line ((markup (#:fontsize 4
> #:musicglyph glyph))
>                                           (#:fontsize -1 #:column (a
> b)))))))

Yes, but this version doesn't change the internal time signature.
The functions I suggested that Ralph search for actually _will_
change the signature -- for example, if you call it with
  (7 8 3 2 2)
it will create a glyph with 7/8 time, and set up the beaming to be
3+2+2 eighth notes.

- Graham

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