On Jan 3, 2011, at 11:44 PM, James Bailey wrote:

> On Jan 4, 2011, at 1:23 AM, Tim McNamara wrote:
>> On Jan 3, 2011, at 12:25 PM, James Bailey wrote:
>>> I don't know if this is what you were looking for, but this compiled just 
>>> fine for me on my osx 10.6.5 on an intel iMac:
>> Hmm, well doesn't seem to be a bug.  That was my main question.  Thanks, 
>> guys!
> I don't know what editor you use,

Emacs 23, Aquamacs or Fraise (the current form of Smultron).

> but usually when the error message points to something in init.ly, the 
> culprit is usually a missing brace.

For me the same files compile in 2.12.3 and fail in 2.13.4 without any changes 
to the files.  The problem only seems to exist if I am using \chordmode.  The 
error message is consistent, as pasted into previous posts.  Seemed odd to me.  
But maybe it's a local problem somehow, since it doesn't seem to replicate for 
other folks.  Since 2.12.3 works, that's what I'm sticking with.

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