On Jan 3, 2011, at 1:09 AM, -Eluze wrote:

> Tim McNamara wrote:
>> #(ly:set-option 'delete-intermediate-files #t)
>> \paper {
>>    indent = 0.0
>>    ragged-last = ##f
>> \header {
>>  title = "Lilypond Test"
>>  composer = "McNamara"
>>  meter = "Swing Ballad"
>> }
> it compiles without errors on windows vista if i close the parenthesis
> after/before the \paper/\header!
> without, i get errors, but different from yours.

Sorry, bad pasting on my part.  I tried removing and replacing a number of 
things (version number, \paper block, deleting the .ps file, etc.) and kept 
updating my e-mail before sending it.  I've also tried it with and without 
various \include files I use (including one called pop-chords.ly to correct the 
naming of chords because I don't like the default Ignaztek chord names.  My 
first thought was that this would be the culprit due to some change in the 
Lilypond internals causing a conflict, but \including it or leaving it out 
makes no difference on my machine.

Perhaps I should mention this is on OS X 10.6.5 on an Intel Mac.
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