Am 28.12.2010 16:43, schrieb Jan Warchoł:
Hi Jurgen, the strange coloring interested me, but your snippet failed to produce any output on my computer... Also it collapsed into a continous stream of characters (see below) which renders it totally unreadable :( Perhaps something is wrong with your e-mail client? cheers, Janek
Hello Janek, this is what I intended to post. I apologize. I used the Old Nabble forum which is a mirror of this mailing list. Now I see that I rather use my mail client. Here is my posting again, I hope it is readable now. Jürgen ---------------------------------- Hello everybody, now I've got a "working" snippet showing the misbehaviour: two voices, one in black and the other in red, and inside a unisono measure where all note heads should have the same color, some note heads are black and others are red. Obviously, this behaviour is influenced by a trick I used to tie notes across voices (see: I added notes like "e8*0" and "c8*0" to the end of the first voice to get the voices tied (see melodyAOne and melody ATwo in the following snippet). If I use the trick, the note heads are all red except one that is black. If I don't use it, all the note heads are red as expected. I also found out that using ties instead of slurs at the beginning of the second unisono measure also has influence on the note head color. Very strange!! Jürgen *********** snippet starts here *********** \version "2.12.3" setNotesColor = { \override NoteHead #'color = #red \override Stem #'color = #red \override Beam #'color = #red \override Slur #'color = #red \override Tie #'color = #red \override Dots #'color = #red \override Rest #'color = #red } melodyAOne = \relative c'' { e1 ~ e8*0 } % <--- trick to tie the e1 to the e8 in melodyBOne melodyATwo = \relative c'' { c1 ~ c8*0 } % <--- same melodyBOne = \relative c'' { e8 d4.( d2) | r4 r8 g,8 b8 c8 b8 a16( b16 | a1) } melodyBTwo = \relative c'' { c8 b4.( b2) | r4 r8 g8 b8 c8 b8 a16( b16 | a1) | } \score { \new Staff { \new Voice = "melody" { << \new Voice = "melodyAOne" { \voiceOne \melodyAOne } \new Voice = "melodyATwo" { \setNotesColor \voiceTwo \melodyATwo } >> \break << \new Voice = "melodyBOne" { \voiceOne \melodyBOne } \new Voice = "melodyBTwo" { \setNotesColor \voiceTwo \melodyBTwo } >> } } } \layout{ragged-right=##t} ************* End of snippet ****************** _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list