How quick you are! I deleted my message, corrected and posted it again, but
you were faster! Yes you are right, that is exactly what I meant.

Phil Holmes-2 wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jürgen Ibelgaufts" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, December 27, 2010 11:45 AM
> Subject: Two voices in two different colors, which color wins in unisono 
> part?
> Hello everybody,
> I have two voices, \voiceOne printed in black, \voiceTwo printed in red.
> There are two measures with identical notes, chords and lyrics, that are
> unisono. Here, the two voices use the same note heads with black stems up
> and red stems down.
> Now there is the funny effect that in the first measure, all note heads
> are
> black, while in the first measure (with identical notes, as I said), all
> note heads are read, except one that shows red!
> Has anybody ever seen this before? Is there a way to determine in advance
> which color shall win? Or, in other words, which voice to be printed
> first,
> and which voice to be printed on top of the other?
> Unfortunately, I could not manage to write a short demo, because no matter
> what I tried, all the note heads always got printed black.
> Thanks in advance
> Jürgen
> -- 
> When you said:
> "in the first measure, all note heads are
> black, while in the first measure (with identical notes, as I said), all
> note heads are read, except one that shows red!"
> Did you mean:
> "in the first measure, all note heads are
> black, while in the _second_ measure (with identical notes, as I said),
> all
> note heads are _red_, except one that shows _black_!"
> ?
> --
> Phil Holmes
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