On 12/21/10 11:19 AM, "Marc Mouries" <m...@mouries.net> wrote:

> This is because your violinTuning variable is wrong. You have the wrong
>> pitches for the open strings.
>> If you set
>> violinTuning = #'(28 21 14 7)
>> then everything works properly.
> what's the meaning for that?

Well, it's supposed to be the number of semitones above middle C for each
open string, starting with the highest string.

IIUC, on violin, it would be:

16 for the E string
9 for the A string
2 for the D string
-5 for the G string

But then you put a \relative c'' on the TabStaff (which I hadn't noticed),
so I added an extra octave to the StringTunings to get it to work.

Now I fixed it the right way:

violinTuning = #'(16 9 2 -5)

and set

\new TabStaff \relative c' {

And it all worked correctly.



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