Carl Sorensen <> writes:

> On 12/21/10 12:51 AM, "David Kastrup" <> wrote:
>> You can't really calculate [position] all too well.  In "first
>> position", the pinky is in the current scale a fifth above the empty
>> string.  In "half position", it is a diminuished fifth, while the
>> index finger is a half step above the empty string (if the index
>> finger is a half step above the empty string, but the pinky is still
>> a full fifth, it is not "half position" since you can still sound the
>> next empty string).
>> In "third" position, the index finger is a fourth above the empty
>> string.  Basically, the position more or less concerns the relation
>> between the current scale and the hand position and fingering and is a
>> somewhat fuzzy concept when the number of accidentals rises.
> There is a fingering chart that shows first and third position fingerings
> here:
> If this chart is to be believed, first position spans from the first "fret"
> to the seventh "fret".  Third position spans from the fifth "fret" to the
> tenth "fret".

That's not quite reliable.  For example, if we are in E major and finger
on the G string a, b, c#', d#', we are actually playing in _second_
position (because the "low" first position would start at g#).

> There is also an advanced fingering chart here:

It says:

"Although flats and sharps are not shown (accidentals), the same finger
is generally used for raised or lowered notes (e.g. on the E string, 1st
finger is used for F & F#)."

Since you obviously can't play raised or lowered notes on an empty
string, this rule falls down pretty soon when your accidentals don't
allow empty strings to be played.

> If this is correct, we could calculate the position given the number
> of the fret for the first finger.

Well, what if the first finger is not even played?

> And we would just need to add a fretboard property describing the
> fret-label scheme.  Then we could display a position number.

I just doubt we can meaningfully shorten the threadboard pattern and
still arrive at an unambiguous chart.

David Kastrup

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