Ludo Beckers:

> I guess I asked this question because I'm not sure whether or not I
> should first learn Lilypond syntax and then see if I want/need to use
> tools besides it.
> I asked about the combination vim-Lilypond sometime ago, but that would
> be 2 steep learning curves to tackle at once; a bit too much.
> btw Jethro, I see we're fellow countrymen :-) (Antwerpen here)
> Ludo

Also Antwerpen :)

I guess it would be most logical to first start learning Lilypond, using 
a 'regular' text editor (nano, gedit, notepad...). Starting with a simple 
template and adding the additional elements you need bit by bit, you'll 
probably get to know the syntax quite quickly. The documentation is a 
real blessing. The extra tools are still *extra*, they don't matter when 
it comes to output.


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