An important but unasked question is for what do you need notation? If it is "just" transcribing from paper the task is not that critical. You need to get "in" information you already know. But if you compose or arrange and you are not a conservative person who was taught to repeat the sentence "real composers use pen and paper" over and over again you want to have more control over your music.
I think that lilypond is not suited for composing in its syntax. Its an engraver with the purpose to create notation sheets. How the information was generated does not matter. So you need an additional tool to write and modify your notes in a more musical way. And thats Denemo. Nils Am Sun, 19 Dec 2010 12:53:57 +0100 schrieb Alexander Kobel <>: > On 2010-12-19 10:30, Jan Warchoł wrote: > > 2010/12/19 Ludo Beckers<>: > >> I guess I asked this question because I'm not sure whether or not > >> I should first learn Lilypond syntax and then see if I want/need > >> to use tools besides it. > > > > I recommend doing so. I'm not a very skilled user yet, but it > > appears certain to me that you'll better understand how LilyPond > > works if you learn it's syntax. > > +1. On the other hand, I do not recommend using NotePad for this. I > don't think you really need syntax highlighting, but parentheses > matching and automatic indentation is incredibly helpful. > Most editors should be able to handle the { } constructs; << >> > typically requires a LilyPond mode or some manual configuration, but > is less important IMHO. > > Personally, I use Emacs with lilypond-mode and a few .ly templates I > wrote by hand, but I happen to run Frescobaldi every now and then for > its Lyric hyphenator feature. For larger scores, I typically also > write a Makefile, and I use Okular as preview. > > > Cheers, > Alexander > > _______________________________________________ > lilypond-user mailing list > > > _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list