2010/11/3 Keith E OHara <k-ohara5...@oco.net>

> On Tue, 02 Nov 2010 09:19:32 -0700, Jan Warchoł <
> lemniskata.bernoulli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As for me the attached settings work quite well. In particular your Lyric
>> spacing settings didn't produce good results when lyrics were centered
>> between two staves, so I changed them.
> Good.  I was expecting that you would increase the 'padding between
> individual words in Lyrics and individual notes or dynamics on the lower
> staff. This keeps the lyrics away from dynamics for lower vocal staff
> (image).  But you made smaller the 'minimum-distance between a Lyrics line
> and the next lower staff.  If there is a staff below the lyrics with no
> notes or dynamics, the lyrics could get very close (second image).

I don't fully understand... Are you refering to the lyricsStaff.png picture?
The lyrics in it surely are quite close to the lower staff, but i wouldn't
say that they're too close.

> I think we still want enough 'minimum-distance to the lower staff so that
> Lyrics are always a little closer to the Staff they are associated with,
> than they are to the next lower staff.

Yes, but i had some problems with this. When i tried compiling the attached
score with your settings, LilyPond put the lyrics too high. In this case
they should be centered (because they apply to both staves) and i told
LilyPond to do so:
\new Lyrics \with { \override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-affinity = #CENTER }
but the result was wrong.

>  Is that what you intended, or do people reading choral music like to have
> lyrics centered between the two staves?
> My other question is about your reduction in the stretchability between
> systems.  Was the goal to let the staves separate more (maybe to have more
> space around the Lyrics) or was the goal to keep the gap between systems
> small?

My goal was to have between-system spacing and between-staves spacing
balanced, so that there would't be a situation in which the systems are put
far apart from themselves but inside them spaves are spaced like in a
Maybe our scores differ so much that there are no settings good for all of


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