
sorry it took so long... Looks like it's not possible to achieve some
results that i wanted only with changing default values for spacing
As for me the attached settings work quite well. In particular your Lyric
spacing settings didn't produce good results when lyrics were centered
between two staves, so i changed them.


2010/10/29 Keith E OHara <k-ohara5...@oco.net>

> On Thu, 28 Oct 2010 23:25:31 -0700, Nick Payne <
> nick.pa...@internode.on.net> wrote:
>  ... However, I don't like the resulting look of the
>> output, as the space between the bottom stave on each page and the foot
>> of the page varies too much for my taste.
>>  The simplest way to ask LilyPond to stretch big orchestral systems a
> little less, was to tell her to consider the space between systems, and the
> space at the bottom of the page, to be *very* stretchable.  These
> adjustments are in "paper_adjustments.ily" attached.
> I worried that this adjustment would make Nick's problem even worse, *but*
> on my parts the extra space at the bottom remains uniform, 1 to 1.5 staff
> spaces, even though the staves are quite uneven due to page-turn
> considerations.
> We should get the bottom staves to be perfectly even across pages, if we
> sets the bottom stretchability to zero:
> \paper { last-bottom-spacing = #'(
>  (space . 1) (padding . 1) (minimum-distance . 0) (stretchability . 0)
>  )}
> I set the full list of parameters above, even though I changed only one of
> them, to work-around recently-reported bug 1338.
> My first draft of adjustments is attached, and the toy score below shows
> how I use them.  The files are mostly comment, with just a few overrides.
>  While experimenting, I found it helpful to prevent the number of pages from
> changing, using \paper{page-count=#5}
> Jan and choral folk,  maybe a little more #'non-affinity-spacing is needed
> to keep the Lyrics from being confused with the next staff?   You know that
> I have no experience with vocal music, but these files make Jan's setting of
> the Messiah look good to my eyes.
> I will be quiet for a couple days over the weekend, but will not forget
> this.
> ==
> Keith
> ==8<==
> \version "2.13.37"
> \paper {
>  \include "paper_adjustments.ily"
> }
> \pointAndClickOff
> m = { \repeat unfold 20 c''1 \repeat unfold 60 s1 \repeat unfold 20 c''1 }
> o = { \repeat unfold 100 c''1 }
> \score {
>  <<
>    \new PianoStaff <<
>      \new Staff \m
>      \new Staff \m
> %{%}>>
>    \new Staff \m \new Staff \m
>    \new Staff \o \new Staff \o \new Staff \o
>    \new Staff \o
>    \new StaffGroup <<
>      \new Staff \o \new Staff \o
> %{%}>>
> %{%}>>
>  \layout {
>    \context {\Staff \RemoveEmptyStaves }
>    \include "layout_adjustments.ily"
>  }
> }

Attachment: layout_adjustments.ily
Description: Binary data

Attachment: paper_adjustments.ily
Description: Binary data

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