On Oct 22, 2010, at 7:57 AM, Éditions IN NOMINE wrote:

last night in a discussion someone claimed that there is a triple bbb in real music, he said it was in a Chopin piece but could not say which. I think I am fairly educated in music but never heard of a triple bbb or ###. Do you know any?

Double b or sharp are used to play a note in the appropriate scale : for instance, a cisis before a dis, in a \key with lots of sharps. Writing a d natural wouldn't make sense in that case (natural d doesn't fit with the scale).

A diminished 7th chord is root, b3, b5 and bb7, commonly used in jazz and can be (probably should be) notated that way. It is soemtimes written out as root, b3, b5 and 6th.

I don't think I've ever seen a double sharp.

That works for the double signs, but triple signs don't make sense, if they are used that way, especially in piano music.... You can meet triple signs in contemporary music, with quarter sharps, and so on.

I've never seen a triple flat. That, of course, doesn't mean they don't exist. But there are much simper ways to write that note.

It is mentioned here:


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