Hi Marc,

> i'm not sure to understand. The bottom notes are already quarters and the top 
> note already a half-note.
> Would you mind elaborating?

Consider the three different versions here:

\version "2.12.3"
\include "english.ly"

\score {    
  \new Staff {
   \clef treble \key c \minor \time 2/4
   \relative c' { <g d' b' \tweak #'duration-log #1 g'>4^\fermata s4} } }

\score {    
  \new Staff {
   \clef treble \key c \minor \time 2/4
   \relative c' { <\tweak #'duration-log #2 g \tweak #'duration-log #2 d' 
\tweak #'duration-log #2 b' g'>2^\fermata} } }

\score {
  \new Staff {
   \clef treble \key c \minor \time 2/4
   \relative c' { <g d' b' \tweak #'duration-log #1 g'>4*2^\fermata} } }

In the first version, the chord has the duration of a quarter note, with the 
top note head tweaked to look like a half-note (but still with the duration of 
a quarter note) -- that's why you need the quarter note skip to "complete the 

In the second version, the chord has the duration of a half note, with the 
bottom three note heads tweaked to look like quarter notes (but still with the 
duration of half notes)  -- that's why you DON'T need a skip to "complete the 

In the third version, the chord has the duration of a "double-length quarter 
note" (= half-note, but with quarter note heads), with the top note head 
tweaked to look like a half-note (but still with the duration of a 
"double-length quarter note") -- that's why you DON'T need a skip to "complete 
the measure".

Does that make sense?


p.s. The third version is, perhaps, my favourite -- though it's potentially the 
most confusing.
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