It's quite strange because the \displayMusic says :

  (list (make-music
            (list (...)
                      (list (quote break-visibility))
                      #(#t #t #t)


                    (list (make-music



And the only difference between the two \bar "|." is that the first has a \break next...
No idea at this time... sorry


On 29/09/2010 19:17, Sam Domonkos wrote:
I am definitely closer thanks to your visibility reference. The remaining problem seems to come when a \bar "|." is followed by a \bar "|." even if they are separated by a \break. To confirm this I tried

\bar ".|" \bar "|." \bar ".|" \bar "|."

...and only the last is printed.

For example

\version "2.13.34"
\relative c''' {
\override Score.BarLine #'break-visibility = #all-visible
  \bar ".|" c1 \bar "|." \break
  \bar ".|" c1 \bar "|."

At the end of the first line the \bar "|." is not printed.


On 2010-09-29 11:35, Vicente Solsona wrote:
I would like to explicitly separate parts of music by having these bar lines always at the beginning and end of parts, but they do not all print.

the answer is probably at the Notation Reference 5.4.7 "Visibility of objects" -> "Using break-visibility"

\version "2.13.14"

you seem to be using a highly experimental version ("pre-alpha" status). consider upgrading to "2.13.34" ("alpha near beta" status).



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