I would like to explicitly separate parts of music by having these bar
lines always at the beginning and end of parts, but they do not all print.
\bar ".|" a4 b c d \bar "|." \break
\bar ".|" a b c d \bar "|."
If noticed this works for \bar ":|:" \break
but not \bar ".|." \break
Is this intended functionality?
\version "2.13.14"
\remove Bar_engraver
\relative c''' {
\bar ".|" c1 \bar ".|." \break
c1 \bar "|." \break
\bar "|:" c1 \bar ":|:" \break
c1 \bar ":|" \break
Any help would be appreciated I have not seen a way of doing this from
looking through the docs or maybe I am using the wrong search terms.
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