Additional info pertain to #1 below.
On bar 15 I remove " ^\markup{rit.}^\> \! " from the .ly file and re-run
lilypond. The generated midi now can play bass staff till the end .
Question: Why the "rit. >" tune down the volume (almost to zero) of the bass
Thank you for your speedy assistance.
1. I can hear bass until bar 16 and after that I cannot hear even I see the
in midi. I use "notatio prayer" & "window media prayer". I install VanBasco
to-day and I hear bass clear until bar 16, after that the volume suddenly drops
- hardly can hear.
2. I try this and works wonderfully. Thank you for the tips.
3. C.4 The Feta fonts has accidentals.M2 of Lilypond 2.6.6 manual. Right now
draw a \flat on the title and it looks big. I thought accidentals.M2 will give
me smaller flat music picture.
From: Phil Holmes <>
Sent: Thu, September 2, 2010 9:34:46 AM
Subject: Re: no sound produce for bass staff
HTML post so I'm top-posting to reply - my newsreader won't bottom-post
1. I hear the piano left hand clearly on my machine, and I can see the line
the midi file.
2. See "Hiding stave" in the reference, and change your layout block to:
\layout {
\context {
\override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t
3. I don't believe there is an accidentals.M2 glyph. What are you trying to
Phil Holmes
----- Original Message -----
>Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 2:02 PM
>Subject: no sound produce for bass staff
>----- Forwarded Message ----
>From: MING TSANG <>
>Sent: Wed, September 1, 2010 12:07:34 PM
>Subject: no sound produce for bass staff
>The following is a new .ly file. I am new to lilypond (I start to use
>lilypond three week ago). I have questions to ask for assistance:
>1.. I did not hear panio left hand midi sound. Is there special options to
>2. Is it possible to hide no note measures ie. full staff. Bar 1 to 16
>soprano melody? Other alto, tenor and bass are empty. Full choir music
>on bar 17 (ie SATB parts). Please note in coding, I put 16 s1 for alto,
>tenor and bass so that choir (SATB) starts at bar 17.
>3. I got waring message : 警告: Cannot find glyph accidentals.M2 Please
>refer to red text below. How to include Feta fonts? I thopught it is the
>default fonts for lilypond.
>4. I will try \score block to generate choir parts. Marek: Thank you for
>your kind assistance. Is there any template for this?
>VÃt Baisa : I like your lilypond youtube idea. It will be great for me as
>well. I try to use lilypond to generate choir parts midi file for choir
>member to practice. Visual display with midi will be great, particularly
>youtube. Please update me if you have successfully implement this. I would
>appreciate with thanks to adopt the same technique as well.
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