Just what I needed!

It'll be a lot of work, but I think I can see exactly what you mean. Basically, 
each system will have a LOT of staves, but most will be invisible, most of the 

Wonderful. Thank you!

- http://brothers.jeffyepstein.com
JACOB: Boogie on down, Super-Herbie. Boogie on Down with your Super-Self.
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22SXMvxXWnQ
ANDREW: First crawling video!
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1fpmwCAF1w

On Sep 1, 2010, at 14:28, Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> 

> Hi Jeff,
>> I think my question came across differently than I intended. What I 
>> want is NOT for LilyPond to programmatically determine the best 
>> layout for each system. Rather, *I* want to tell Lily Pond that,
> Yes, that is "easy" (read: possible).
>> (I'm thinking that each system could be a different LilyPond piece, 
>> and I would merge them visually, so it looks like one piece when I 
>> ultimately print it. Not sure if that's feasible, but it's the first thing 
>> that 
>> hits me.)
> No. You want to set up variables for each type of music, and then stitch them 
> together, such as
> sopNotes = \relative { soprano-only music, with skips where sopranos won't 
> have their own staff }
> altoNotes = \relative { alto-only music, with skips where altos won't have 
> their own staff }
> tenorNotes = \relative { tenor-only music, with skips where tenors won't have 
> their own staff }
> bassNotes = \relative { bass-only music, with skips where basses won't have 
> their own staff }
> saNotes = \relative { "ladies"-only music, with skips where "ladies" won't 
> have their own staff }
> tbNotes = \relative { "men"-only music, with skips where "men" won't have 
> their own staff }
> unisNotes = \relative { unison music, with skips where the choir not in 
> unison }
> \score {
>  \new ChoirStaff <<
>    \new Staff \unisNotes
>    \new Staff \saNotes
>    \new Staff \sopNotes
>    \new Staff \altoNotes
>    \new Staff \tenorNotes
>    \new Staff \bassNotes
>    \new Staff \tbNotes
> }
> Now, using \break appropriately (and having \RemoveEmptyStaffContext active), 
> you will be able to get the system setup you desire.
> Good luck!
> Kieren.

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