Hi Jeff,

> I think my question came across differently than I intended. What I 
> want is NOT for LilyPond to programmatically determine the best 
> layout for each system. Rather, *I* want to tell Lily Pond that,

Yes, that is "easy" (read: possible).

> (I'm thinking that each system could be a different LilyPond piece, 
> and I would merge them visually, so it looks like one piece when I 
> ultimately print it. Not sure if that's feasible, but it's the first thing 
> that 
> hits me.)

No. You want to set up variables for each type of music, and then stitch them 
together, such as

sopNotes = \relative { soprano-only music, with skips where sopranos won't have 
their own staff }
altoNotes = \relative { alto-only music, with skips where altos won't have 
their own staff }
tenorNotes = \relative { tenor-only music, with skips where tenors won't have 
their own staff }
bassNotes = \relative { bass-only music, with skips where basses won't have 
their own staff }
saNotes = \relative { "ladies"-only music, with skips where "ladies" won't have 
their own staff }
tbNotes = \relative { "men"-only music, with skips where "men" won't have their 
own staff }
unisNotes = \relative { unison music, with skips where the choir not in unison }

\score {
  \new ChoirStaff <<
    \new Staff \unisNotes
    \new Staff \saNotes
    \new Staff \sopNotes
    \new Staff \altoNotes
    \new Staff \tenorNotes
    \new Staff \bassNotes
    \new Staff \tbNotes

Now, using \break appropriately (and having \RemoveEmptyStaffContext active), 
you will be able to get the system setup you desire.

Good luck!
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