Here's what I wrote to Phil. Is it really so simple as to add \bar "|" to
the end of every line? I'm sorry if I bothered you all for that!
Thank you for your patience.

A scan would be difficult at the moment. I've included below a compilable
song. Let me try to explain better. If you look at my syntax you can see
where I would like the bar lines to fall. What I'm struggling with is that
the compiler doesn't seem to want to place my bar lines where I specified.
If I remove the \partial 2 line from the global settings it will at least
place bar lines through out the song (which won't do with the \partial 2)
but not where I want them to be.

Here's a link to a song that follows the same type of pattern:
http://www.hymnary.org/hymn/THEH/510 . If I were inputting this song I would
be stumped over how to add the bar line at the end of the first three lines.

Thank you for your help,

 % Version 1.0
% Last edit: July 25, 2010
% The music and words produced by this source code are believed
% to be in the public domain in the United States and Canada. The source
% code itself is covered by the Creative Commons Attribution-
% NonCommercial license,
% http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.5/
% Attribution: Rose Mawhorter

\version "2.8.0"
\include "english.ly"

#(set-default-paper-size "letter")
#(set-global-staff-size 16)

title = "People of the Living God"
subtitle = "Thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God--Ruth
to view Ruth 1:16-17 (ESV)"
composer = \markup \italic ""
poet = "James Montgomery, 1829"
meter = " D"
arranger = "From Harmonia Sacra"
piece = "Ennius"

world = {
  \key g \major
  \time 3/2
  \partial 2

melody = \relative c'' {
b4. a8 |
g2. g4 fs g |
a1 |
d4. c8 |
b2. a4 g fs |
g1 |
b4. a8 |

g2. g4 fs g |
a1 |
d4. c8 |
b2. a4  g fs |
g1 |
b4. b8 |
a2. b4 c d |
c2 [ b] |
b4. b8 |
a2. b4 c b |
b2 [ a] |
b4. a8 |
g2. g4 fs g |
a1 |
d4. c8 |
b2. a4 g fs |
g1  \bar "|."

alto = \relative c' {
d4. d8 |
d2. d4 d d |
fs1 |
fs4. fs8 |
g2. fs4 g d |
d1 |
d4. d8 |
d2. d4 d d |
fs1 |
fs4. fs8 |
g2. fs4 g d |
d1 |
g4. g8 |
fs2. g4 a b |
a2 [ g] |
g4. g8 |
fs2. g4 a g |
g2 [ fs]
d4. d8 |
d2. d4 d d |
fs1 |
fs4. fs8 |
g2. fs4 g d |
\bar "|."

tenor = \relative c' {
g4. a8 |
b2. b4 a a |
a1 |
a4. d8 |
d2. c4 b a |
b1 |
g4. a8 |
b2. b4 a a |
a1 |
a4. d8 |
d2. c4 b a |
b1 |
g4. g8 |
d'2. d4 d d |
d1 |
d4. d8 |
d2. d4 d d |
d1 |
g,4. a8 |
b2. b4 a a |
a1 |
a4. d8 |
d2. c4 b a |
b1  \bar "|."

bass = \relative c' {
g4. fs8|
g2. g4 d d |
d1 |
d4. d8 |
g2. c,4 d d |
g'4. fs8|
g2. g4 d d |
d1 |
d4. d8 |
g2. c,4 d d |
g'4. g8 |
d2. d4 d d |
g1 |
g4. g8 |
d2. d4 d d |
d1 |
g4. fs8|
g2. g4 d d |
d1 |
d4. d8 |
g2. c,4 d d |
  \bar "|."

verseOne = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1. "
Peo -- ple of the liv -- ing God,
I have sought the world a -- round,
Paths of sin and sor -- row trod,
Peace and com -- fort no -- where found.
Now to you my spir -- it turns,
Turns, a fu -- gi -- tive un -- bless'd;
Breth -- ren, where your al -- tar burns,
O re -- ceive me in -- to rest!

verseTwo = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "2. "
Lone -- ly I no long -- er roam,
Like the cloud, the wind, the wave;
Where you dwell shall be my home,
Where you die shall be my grave;
Mine the God whom you a -- dore,
Your Re -- dee -- mer shall be mine;
Earth can fill my heart no more,
Ev -- ery i -- dol I re -- sign.

verseThree = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "3. "
Tell me not of gain or loss,
Ease, en -- joy -- ment, pomp, and pow'r,
Wel -- come pov -- er -- ty and cross,
Shame, re -- proach, af -- flic -- tion's hour:
“Fol -- low me!” I know the voice;
Je -- sus, Lord, Thy steps I see;
Now I take Thy yoke by choice,
Light Thy bur -- den now to me.

\markup {
  \column {
    \fill-line { \large \bold \title } % title
    \fill-line { \tiny \subtitle   }  % subtitle
    \fill-line { \caps \piece       }        % piece
    \fill-line { \meter        }  % meter
    \fill-line { \poet           % poet
         \caps \composer      % composer

\score {
  \context ChoirStaff <<
    \context Staff = upper <<
      \context Voice =
         sopranos { \voiceOne << \melody >> }
      \context Voice =
         altos { \voiceTwo << \alto >> }
      \context Lyrics = one \lyricsto sopranos \verseOne
      \context Lyrics = two \lyricsto sopranos \verseTwo
      \context Lyrics = three \lyricsto sopranos \verseThree

    \context Staff = lower <<
      \clef bass
      \context Voice =
        tenors { \voiceOne << \tenor >> }
      \context Voice =
        basses { \voiceTwo << \bass >> }
  \layout {
    \context {
      % **** Turns off bar numbering
      \remove "Bar_number_engraver"

    \context {
      % **** Prevents lyrics from running too close together
      \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #0.6
      % **** Makes the text of lyrics a little smaller
      \override LyricText #'font-size = #-1
      % **** Moves lines of lyrics closer together
      \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)

\header {
tagline = ""

\paper {
  ragged-bottom = ##t
  top-margin = 0.25\in
  bottom-margin = 0.25\in


On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 8:06 AM, Phil Holmes <m...@philholmes.net> wrote:

>  Rose,
> I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to do - is it that you're wanting
> to put *extra* bar lines before each partial, to mark the start of a
> section of lyrics?  A scan of the original would help working this out.
> Also - it helps us if you provide an illustration that compiles on its own
> - yours didn't, because it was (presumably) missing:
> \include "english.ly"
> and where you set your tune equal to "melody" meant that nothing was
> compiled by LilyPond.
> --
> Phil Holmes
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Rose Mawhorter <r...@mawhorter.org>
> *To:* lilypond-user@gnu.org
> *Sent:* Saturday, August 14, 2010 3:39 PM
> *Subject:* please help a newbie with partial measures
> Hi all,
> I've been stewing over what should be simple all afternoon. I documentation
> seems to be getting me no where. I'm working on entering an old hymn. The
> piece has an upbeat, which I'm having a bit of trouble with. The partial
> measures also repeat throughout the hymn. My trouble is that I can't seem to
> figure out how to make the bar lines land in the right places. I could use a
> complicated set of repeats but the problem is that if I do that the lyrics
> line will be complicated as well. There are three verses to this hymn.
> Standard hymn writing doesn't have the verses double back. You repeat when
> you begin the second verse. What are my options here? I've put the code
> below so you can see the challenge that I'm up against.
> Thanks,
> Rose
> world = {
>   \key g \major
>   \time 3/2
>   \aikenHeads
>   \autoBeamOff
>   \partial 2
> }
> melody = \relative c'' {
>   \world
> b4. a8 |    % A regular upbeat
> g2. g4 fs g |
> a1 |
> d4. c8 |
> b2. a4 g fs |
> g1 |     % A partial measure that compliments the upbeat
> b4. a8 |       % Hear starts the repeat of the first section
> g2. g4 fs g |
> a1 |
> d4. c8 |
> b2. a4  g fs |
> g1 |
> b4. b8 |     % A unique section. Note the partial first and last measure.
> a2. b4 c d |
> c2 [ b] |
> b4. b8 |
> a2. b4 c b |
> b2 [ a] |
> b4. a8 |   % Another repeat of the first section
> g2. g4 fs g |
> a1 |
> d4. c8 |
> b2. a4 g fs |
> g1  \bar "|."
> }
>  ------------------------------
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