
I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to do - is it that you're wanting to 
put extra bar lines before each partial, to mark the start of a section of 
lyrics?  A scan of the original would help working this out.

Also - it helps us if you provide an illustration that compiles on its own - 
yours didn't, because it was (presumably) missing:

\include ""

and where you set your tune equal to "melody" meant that nothing was compiled 
by LilyPond.

Phil Holmes

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Rose Mawhorter 
  Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2010 3:39 PM
  Subject: please help a newbie with partial measures

  Hi all,

  I've been stewing over what should be simple all afternoon. I documentation 
seems to be getting me no where. I'm working on entering an old hymn. The piece 
has an upbeat, which I'm having a bit of trouble with. The partial measures 
also repeat throughout the hymn. My trouble is that I can't seem to figure out 
how to make the bar lines land in the right places. I could use a complicated 
set of repeats but the problem is that if I do that the lyrics line will be 
complicated as well. There are three verses to this hymn. Standard hymn writing 
doesn't have the verses double back. You repeat when you begin the second 
verse. What are my options here? I've put the code below so you can see the 
challenge that I'm up against.

  world = {
    \key g \major
    \time 3/2
    \partial 2

  melody = \relative c'' {
  b4. a8 |    % A regular upbeat
  g2. g4 fs g |
  a1 |
  d4. c8 |
  b2. a4 g fs |
  g1 |     % A partial measure that compliments the upbeat 
  b4. a8 |       % Hear starts the repeat of the first section
  g2. g4 fs g |
  a1 |
  d4. c8 |
  b2. a4  g fs |
  g1 | 
  b4. b8 |     % A unique section. Note the partial first and last measure.
  a2. b4 c d |
  c2 [ b] |
  b4. b8 |
  a2. b4 c b |
  b2 [ a] | 
  b4. a8 |   % Another repeat of the first section
  g2. g4 fs g |
  a1 | 
  d4. c8 |
  b2. a4 g fs |
  g1  \bar "|."


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