OK, I'm still only learning LilyPond and its syntax, but I think what I say is accurate and hope it will help.

If you look in the Reference, section 5.1.4, you'll see what the code I quoted does - it changes the context default settings by putting them within a \layout block. The settings we're changing are removing the timing translator and bar line engraver for the "score" context, and replacing them in the "staff" context. That way we can have different timings for each staff, rather than one for the whole score. This section (the \layout block) can go above or below the music, but it must be properly nested in the brackets/braces.

If you go back a section to 5.1.3 you'll see an alternative way of doing this - by using a "\new Score" and removing the timing translator and bar line engraver for the score and then "\new Staff" and putting them back at the staff level.

So - providing your music works OK, where you put the \layout block should be unimportant and removes the need for the "\new Score" lines at all.

Hope this helps a little.

Phil Holmes

----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrea La Rose" <andrea.lar...@gmail.com>
To: <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2010 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: polymetric help

Dear Phil,

Thanks for your reply.

I used that exact code that you pasted, minus everything after the
comment because I copied and pasted it into my own document.

(aside: If this helps, I'm trying to put these eight parts into one
score: http://reloadsanear.com/composition/putrefaction.html)

First I put it at the end, because for some reason I was under the
impression that \layout goes after \score. When I did this, the
program said it had a problem with \Score, which only appeared in the
\layout section.

Basically, when I cut and pasted that code into my document, the
program couldn't produce any notation.

Then I tried the second way as I described in my OP, and I got
notation, but everything was off and the only error message I got was
the many declarations of "I am not spanned!"

Is that clearer?

Now I'm trying to parse Ole's reply (thanks! I've been writing an
email full of more questions...) and yours and I think I'm getting
closer. It seems I have some confusion about the order of operations,
as it were. Ole's example "breaks" a lot of the "rules," which is
adding to my confusion.

I'm happy to attach my file, but it's not short and I don't blame
anyone for not wanting to parse it.

Thanks again for your help!

I'll keep plugging away and keep you posted...


On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 6:07 PM, Phil Holmes <m...@philholmes.net> wrote:

I'm using 2.12.3. When I go to the page/section you've mentioned below, and then copy and paste the code there into a file and run it, it runs perfectly
and produces the output of as shown on the page. Could you be more precise
in the code you are trying to use that produces the errors you are getting?

This is the code I use:

\layout {
\context {
\remove "Timing_translator"
\remove "Default_bar_line_engraver"
\context {
\consists "Timing_translator"
\consists "Default_bar_line_engraver"

% Now each staff has its own time signature.

\relative c' <<
\new Staff {
\time 3/4
c4 c c |
c c c |
\new Staff {
\time 2/4
c4 c |
c c |
c c |
\new Staff {
\time 3/8
c4. |
c8 c c |
c4. |
c8 c c |

Phil Holmes


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