Hi Andrea,

maybe the attached example can serve as a model for your purposes?


Attachment: bcl&perc.ly
Description: Binary data

Am 09.07.2010 um 16:24 schrieb Andrea La Rose:

> Dear Collective Wisdom,
> I am a lilypond noob using version 2.12.3.
> I am working on making a score for a piece where each part has its own
> independent time signatures like this example ""Staves with different
> time signatures, unequal bar lengths":
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.12/Documentation/user/lilypond/Displaying-rhythms#Polymetric-notation
> When I cut and paste the \layout code into my document I got error
> messages saying \Score and \Staff are unacceptable.
> I found a different solution (though now I can't find it anymore),
> where you put these commands at the top, using \new Score instead of
> just \score:
> \new Score \with {
>               \remove "Timing_translator"
>               \remove "Default_bar_line_engraver"             }
> ...
> \new Staff = "violin 1" \with {
>       \consists "Timing_translator"
>       \consists "Default_bar_line_engraver" }
> It kind of worked, as in, it actually would parse the file and create
> a .pdf. But everything is off by a sixteenth or so. For example it
> prints 4/4, the first sixteenth, then a bar line, then the rest of the
> piece.
> The compiler window writes the following error message 24 times (I
> thought the number would correspond to the number of measures rest the
> violins have at the beginning, but alas, that is not so):
> programming error: Multi_measure_rest::get_rods (): I am not spanned!
> continuing, cross fingers
> I cannot find anything about spanning multi-measure rests nor rods.
> But my guess is that the multi-measure rests are merely a symptom and
> not the actual issue.
> Unfortunately, I don't know where to look anymore, having scoured the
> documentation both on and offline.
> Your help is greatly appreciated.
> cheers,
> Andrea
> -- 
> ™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™
> http://reloadsanear.com
> http://antisocialmusic.org
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