On 24 April 2010 16:08, Carl Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu> wrote:

> Thanks, Neil!
> This not only looks like it solves the problem, it also taught me a bit
> about using context-spec-music.  I was thinking that we'd need to use
> make-apply-context.  Yet another snippet idea for the Extending manual.

I think you'd only use make-apply-context if you needed to access
context properties at this early stage.

BTW, do you think this is crying out for some kind of recursive loop
(which would allow any number of lines automatically)?

       $(add-glissando-line mus1 mus2 1)
       $(if (> note-count 1) (add-glissando-line mus1 mus2 2))
       $(if (> note-count 2) (add-glissando-line mus1 mus2 3))
       $(if (> note-count 3) (add-glissando-line mus1 mus2 4))
       $(if (> note-count 4) (add-glissando-line mus1 mus2 5))
       $(if (> note-count 5) (add-glissando-line mus1 mus2 6))
       $(if (> note-count 6) (add-glissando-line mus1 mus2 7))
       $(if (> note-count 7) (add-glissando-line mus1 mus2 8))


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