On 4/24/10 1:39 AM, "Marc Hohl" <m...@hohlart.de> wrote:
> Carl Sorensen schrieb:
>> OK, I couldn't keep away from it while I was at my son's graduation
>> exercise.
> Hehe, sounds familiar :-)
>> I've attached replacement code that now works for both a staff and tabstaff.
>> One issue -- you need to explicitly set string numbers for the chord,
>> because the glissando ends up being drawn one note pair at a time, so the
>> string selection algorithm doesn't work.
>> Again, it's probably a hack rather than a real solution; the real solution
>> would find the string numbers from the first chord if it's a TabVoice and
>> use those numbers automatically.
> Thank you for investigating further. It has one serious drawback - it
> seems to be impossible
> to use music variables. Your posted chord-gliss-tab.ly works properly,
> but if I use
> test = { \chordGlissando <c\3 e\2 g\1 >8 <f\3 a\2 c\1 >8 }
> \relative c' {
> <<
> \new Staff {
> \new Voice {
> \parserSetVoiceSymbol #'Voice
> \test
> }
> }
> \new TabStaff {
> \new TabVoice {
> \parserSetVoiceSymbol #'TabVoice
> \test
> }
> }
> }
> it creates three separate staves below.
Oh, yes, of course. At the time test is parsed, we don't have a
\parserSetVoiceSymbol setting active. So my hack won't work.
I guess it's back to the difficult and complicated problem of making it
happen during translation.
> I wonder whether it would be possible to define something like
> \new Bottom { ... }
> which will be expanded to a Voice within Staff and
> to [Tab|Drum]Voice within [Tab|Drum]Staff.
> Perhaps I am wrong, but this should simplify things a lot.
Yes, it would. But I have no idea how to do such a thing. In fact, I don't
even know how I'd get started on it.
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