Ed Ardzinski wrote Saturday, March 27, 2010 11:25 PM

So - is it possible to run the old (2.6.5) and the
newest stable branch (a 2.12 version I think?)
simultaneously on a WinXP box?

Yes.  Simply rename the existing lilypond directory
to something else, "lilypond 2.6.5" maybe, and install
the latest version.  You can then switch between them
with simple renames.  Whichever is called lilypond
will be executed.

And if the answer is to go stepwise through
2.8 - 2.10 - then 2.12

No need to do this.  Go straight to 2.12 and run
convert-ly from there.  Graham's told you where to find
the instructions for that.  You might find you have some
additional changes to fix manually as well though.

I would appreciate any advice - suggestions.  Thanks!

Good luck!


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