Mr. Weblily, I like your enthusiasm with your weblily project, but for Mao's sake please learn something about computer security. The current website is completely insecure.
This is not a theoretical concern. It would take me approximately two minutes to delete everything in your /home/lily/ directory -- not just material in /home/lily/scores/. I wouldn't do this, of course -- but if a non-expert like me could do this so quickly, I'm certain that an experienced and malicious hacker could do far worse. Such as taking over your machine and using it to attack other websites, distributing child porn, or whatever. If you want to continue to run your project without any regard for security, that's your business, but I want it understood that YOU HAVE COMPLETELY DISREGARDED ALL COMMON SENSE AND HAVE NOT READ THE MATERIAL ABOUT SECURITY IN OUR DOCUMENTATION. YOU RUN LILYPOND IN THIS FASHION COMPLETELY AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND IF THE GERMAN EQUIVALENT OF THE FBI COMES KNOCKING ON YOUR DOOR ASKING WHY YOU ARE DISTRIBUTING RIPS OF HOLLYWOOD MOVIES OR PIRATED COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE, YOU CANNOT BLAME LILYPOND. The internet is not a playground. If you're going to hand complete control over your server to other people, you might not like the consequences. - Graham Percival _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list