On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 11:16:05PM +0100, Sven Siegmund wrote:
> > Uninstall python 3, as it can override library paths.
> But I really need Python 3. It is much more unicode-aware than Python
> 2.x. Is there any hope that Lilypond-book will be ported to python 3?

Patches appreciated.

> Python 3 has been over a year around, so maybe it's time to adapt the
> source code of lilypond-book a bit, isn't it?

Patches appreciated.

> It would also be a great opportunity to include an option for
> alternative TeX-compilers, e.g. xelatex, not just pdflatex.

Patches appreciated.

By the way, I estimate that switching all our scripts to python
3.x would take 40 hours, with an additional 20 hours required to
make GUB include python 3.x in the installers.

- Graham

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