On 2/15/10 11:41 AM, "Steven White" <saw7...@cacs.louisiana.edu> wrote:

> On 2/15/10 12:06 PM, Colin Campbell wrote:
>> Steven White wrote:
> I'm currently working on tweaking the placement of a note in a two voice
> segment.  Working on this Scriabin piece "Two Poems"  There is an odd
> "Chord" in the piece where all the members are not of the same durations.  I
> think to get it in place I need to over ride the direction of the note head
> and move it in to place.

You may want to consider having a chord and tweaking the note head of one of
the notes (i.e., you can have a 1/4 note chord and tweak the note head of
one of the notes to be a 1/2 note head.)

> Other then that the only problem I have run in to is a good way to visually
> block off the "Mystic Chords" found in the piece for turning in the final
> analysis of the paper.  I am currently just punting back to photoshop and
> editing lilypond's png output to add " A Square Bracket " around the
> measures that comprise each "Mystic Chord" All of the other notations we are
> easily able to do using \markup or the other editorial notation. I fear this
> falls out of the realm of normal engraving so other then drawing figures in
> postscript I think the wife is out of luck of any automated notation.  If I
> can't come up with a solution in the next couple days I will likely create a
> new thread in search for aid.

You might try creating a TextSpanner to cover each Mystic Chord measure.
You could set the left text and the right text to be characters you wanted.

You could also use inkscape and the svg output to add the analysis brackets;
this might be a little more satisfactory than using photoshop on the pdf.



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