My understanding is that LilyPond can only take one \layout block -
no?  So any subsequent layout block will override the previous one.
Have you tested this with settings other than RemoveEmptyStaffContext,
to see if two layout blocks will work under any other condition?

I don't think it's buggy at all.  You just need separate layout blocks
for different components of your project.  I always have one for
scores and a different one for parts.

On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 8:14 AM, Reinhold Kainhofer
<> wrote:
> I found out the hard way that apparently adding \RemoveEmptyStaffContext
> globally to a score will erase some previous settings. In particular, if you
> have:
> \layout {
>  \context { \Staff
>    ignoreFiguredBassRest = ##f
>  }
> }
> \layout {
>  \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }
> }
> then the score will still use ignoreFiguredBassRest=##t (which is the
> default). If you don't add the RemoveEmptyStaffContext, then ##f is used.
> Attached is an example file displaying this behavior.
> Is this a bug? In my eyes, it is quite severe, because it means you can't
> trust  lilypond any more. If you check e.g. the individual parts (which do not
> add the RemoveEmptyStaffContext) for errors, you cannot be sure any more that
> the full score or e.g. the  choral score are correct, too!
> Cheers,
> Reinhold
> PS: What is the reason anyway to have
>  ignoreFiguredBassRest = ##t
> for the Staff context? Bass figures on rests ARE used and have a well-defined
> meaning (namely that they take the next bass note as reference, but play the
> harmony on the rest already). It seems that Han-Wen added this feature a while
> ago and set the default to ##t, but didn't really give any good reason to
> silently discart bass figures on rests...
> So, are there any reasons against making ##f the default (i.e. NOT silently
> discarding vital bass figures)???
> --
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
> email:,
>  * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien,
>  * Edition Kainhofer Music Publishing,
>  * LilyPond music typesetting software,
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