Kirill <> writes:

> 1) NumStaveLines has apparently been introduced only in Sib6. Using
> the value of NumStaveLines the interpreter decides whether the staff
> is a normal staff or a rythmic staff (hence all your staves are
> RhythmicStaffs). I guess I will have to detect it differently for
> Sib5.

For the time being, I'll just set it to 5.

> 3) Lyrics will be handled in the upcoming release; number 1 on my
> to-do list.


> 4) Chords ARE produced by the converter, at least from Sib6 scores.

There are chords in the .xml but not in the .ly. 

> If you are not seeing any chords, this is a critical bug. Could you
> please email me a (short fragment of) .XML in which there supposed
> to be chords but none are converted to .ly?

Done (via private email).

Thanks for the nifty tool!
The niftiest feature is probably that everything you want/need to
tweak can be done with convenient tools *after* making the dump.

-- Johan

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