Johan Vromans <jvromans <at>> writes:

> This is really very good stuff!


Thank you for your report!

1) NumStaveLines has apparently been introduced only in Sib6. Using the value of
NumStaveLines the interpreter decides whether the staff is a normal staff or a
rythmic staff (hence all your staves are RhythmicStaffs). I guess I will have to
detect it differently for Sib5.
2) [] are of course invalid characters. This is easy to fix, though. The
converter tries to generate human-readable .ly source; in particular, it tries
to assigning meaningful names to identifiers by taking instrument names (as they
appear in the score) and generate identifiers by stripping illegal characters
from them; I forgot to include []'s into the illegal list.
3) Lyrics will be handled in the upcoming release; number 1 on my to-do list.
4) Chords ARE produced by the converter, at least from Sib6 scores.
If you are not seeing any chords, this is a critical bug. Could you please email
me a (short fragment of) .XML in which there supposed to be chords but none are
converted to .ly?

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