On 1/23/10 6:39 AM, "i...@soundand.com" <i...@soundand.com> wrote:

> Gilles asked for an attachment I don't exactly know what to attach so
> I've attached the latest pdf output.

What was wanted was the exact working code to get bad output, which you've
included in the body of the email.  Perfect!

> This is close but nothing I've tried gets the 1st set of 8ths to be \slurDown
> \version "2.12.2"
> \header {
>    title = "Nested Curves"
>                 }
> melody = \relative c'
> {
> \clef bass
> \key c \major
>   e8
>   \(
> (\slurDown f-2 e f) fis-3 (f-2 fis f)\)
> }
> \score {
> \new Staff \melody
> \layout { }
> \midi { \tempo 4=60 }
> }

\slurUp and \slurDown need to come *before* the note that starts the slur,
not after the note that starts the slur.

sorensen2:lilypond-working Carl$ cat slur_test.ly
\version "2.12.2"
\header {
   title = "Nested Curves"
melody = \relative c'
\clef bass
\key c \major
\slurDown  e8
( f-2 e f) fis-3 (f-2 fis f)\)


\score {
\new Staff \melody
\layout { }



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