On Fri, Jan 08, 2010 at 05:59:28PM +0000, Philip Potter wrote:
> 2010/1/8 Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) <lilypondt...@organum.hu>:
> >
> >> Why not spend a minute to find an authoritative answer before sending
> >> speculations to the list?
> >
> > Because my memory works like a hash map, so I can find data in it constant
> > time, while looking in the manual or the archive is in O(nlogn) where n is
> > the size of the information source.
> Eeek that's horribly inefficient! Even reading the manual
> cover-to-cover is O(n)!

By coincident, my supervisor was talking about print-on-demand
stuff today and gave the example of the lilypond docs.  I said
that it'd be a thousand pages, which would be rather expensive.
He was surprised that it was that much, so I counted (for f in
*[a-z][a-z][a-z].pdf; do pdfinfo $f | grep Pages ; fi).

The non-translates docs are 2137 pages.  Not a typo; we have over
two thousand pages.  (granted, that counts table of contents,
index, LSR extracts, etc... but it's still a lot!)

- Graham

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