Xavier Scheuer wrote:
Le Fri, 1 Jan 2010 17:30:19 -0800 (PST),
mike99 <mike.br...@gmail.com> a écrit :
Fair enough, but there are the lyrics, set here to the soprano voice,
which, unintended by myself, skips the fourth beat in the second
measure. In the documentation's first example on divisi lyrics
(Notation Reference, 2.1.4, version 2.12), it does not, because the
authors have explicitly created a new voice.
Yes, this is clearly a limitation of the << \\ >> construct: voices
within that construct are considered as voices both different as the
voice outside this construct.
This is not the case with
<< { \voiceOne ... }
  \new Voice { \voiceTwo ... } >>
since the first voice in this construct is considered as the
continuation of the voice outside the construct.
Are you sure? I think I remember that
<< { c } \\ { d } >>

Will make the c to be in a Voice called "a", so
\context Voice = "a" { e << { c } \\ { d } >> }

will make the e and c in the same voice.

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