James, sorry for having missed this email, but it surely has a missing
header that prevented my mail client to show it in the same thread as
other messages.

Le mardi 05 janvier 2010 à 10:53 +0100, James Bailey a écrit :
> I realise the problems:

> The correct command should be lilypond-book --latex-program=pdflatex  
> --pdf myfile.lytex
> pdflatex myfile.tex

What do all (pdf)(La)TeX users on this list think about making
lilypond-book implcitly set latex-program option to 'pdflatex' if the
format is 'latex' and --pdf option is set?

> I would send a patch, but I had a really bad experience last time I  
> tried to make a patch. Can someone make this change?

Sure, but if everybody agrees on making the change to lilypond-book, the
docs won't need to be changed.


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