Le mercredi 06 janvier 2010 à 23:04 +0100, Mats Bengtsson a écrit :
> Quoting James Bailey <derhindem...@googlemail.com>:
> > pdflatex always complains if I don't have it there
> That's weird! The graphicx package should automatically detect if you 
> are using pdflatex or latex and choose the appropriate driver. 

Agreed.  I can't remember if pdflatex issues any warning if I don't
specify [pdftex], but it always produced correct output without this
option (with TeXlive 2008 and 2009).  James, which TeX distro do you

> Explicitly specifying this option is a bad idea in general.

Yes, and in particular it makes lilypond-book fails (see below the

>  (Note that 
> this has nothing to do with lilypond-book per se).

It has actually something to do: lilypond-book calls latex on the
preamble of the .lytex document in order to determine the line width
(IIRC, and/or some paper-related metrics anyway), hence the failure of
latex James reported in his first email if the input file extension
is .lytex.  To work around this, best is to remove [pdftex] option from
the .lytex, but it might work to set lilypond-book command line option

James, if you sum up the issues raised in this thread into one or two
paragraphs, we'll consider adding them to a section 'Known issues and
warnings' in lp-book docs.


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