On Sat, Jan 02, 2010 at 12:22:27PM -0500, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> If someone with real Scheme-fu could build a function that took a series of 
> moments and tweaks, you might be able to do something like
> ms = \relative e'' {
>    e4 e c d   |
> }
> correctionsEditionA = {
>   \coolSchemeFunction #'(ly:make-moment 0 1) #'pitch #-2
>   …
> }

I've mused about this -- not for editions, but to separate
bug-specific tweaks (i.e. #'extra-offset for collisions) from the
actual music definition.

I don't foresee anything happening for months if not years, but
I've added it to the tracker.  If I wasn't doing release and
manager tasks, I'd like to tackle it myself:

- Graham

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