Yes as David so eloquently put it, I made a mistake in my example. Sorry
for the confusion.
Instead of
\char ##x009
It should have been
\char ##x0e9
However it can also be
\char ##x00e9
Which is the actual value in that link I gave you.
Here is another example just to prove the point and hopefully make it
obvious on how to apply these values.
\version "2.12.2"
\header {
title = \markup {\concat {"B" \char ##x0f6 "u" \char ##x159 "r"
\char ##x0e9 "e"} }
{a b c d e}
Have fun
David Kastrup wrote:
Stefan Thomas <> writes:
Dear James,
unfortunately, this didnt' work for me!
I tried it with:
\version "2.12.2"
\header {
title = \markup {\concat {"Bourr" \char ##x009 "e"} }
\relative c' {
c4 d e f g a b c
I've attached the resulting png-file
and then manually put in the value using the '\char ##' function.
For example
\header {
title = \markup {\concat {"Bourr" \char ##x009 "e"} }
The example is nonsense since the character code is 0xe9, but the
character table should readily have told you that.
The result works for me after replacing all non-breakable spaces
(probably inserted by your newsreader) with normal ones.
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