Dear James,
unfortunately, this didnt' work for me!
I tried it with:

\version "2.12.2"
\header {

     title = \markup {\concat {"Bourr" \char ##x009 "e"} }
\relative c' {
  c4 d e f g a b c
I've attached the resulting png-file

2009/12/19 James Lowe <>

> alternatively you can look up the table here:
> and then manually put in the value using the '\char ##' function.
> For example
> \header {
>      title = \markup {\concat {"Bourr" \char ##x009 "e"} }
> }
> Which gives Bourrée with an e-acute (x009). The \concat switch means that
> 'Bourrée' doesn't end up as 'Bourr é e'.
> I use this method because I don't have a lot of accented characters to deal
> with and also I can move my ly files into virtually any plaintext editor
> without worrying about any weird conversions that a different OS or editor
> will do.
> James
> -----Original Message-----
> From: on behalf of
> Stefan Thomas
> Sent: Sat 19/12/2009 19:39
> To: lilypond-user
> Subject: which encoding for umlaute
> Dear community,
> which encoding do I have to choose, to get the german "Umlaute" (like ä, ö,
> etc.) properly shown on a windows-machine?

<<attachment: umlauttest.png>>

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