Alexander Kobel wrote:
> Federico Bruni wrote:
>> In a normal piece, I have to scroll a lot when I enter music, because
>> each voice is separated.
>> That's why I hoped I could use \parallelMusic instead..
> Do it, and try to somehow get around it's rough edges.
> Although it has it's shortcomings, I can really recommend it, from my
> personal experience. (Which is with piano music, though.)

I'll do some more tests and see if it fits all my needs.

> For the time being, I hope you don't have \repeats all over
> the place, and I'd suggest instantiating a \parallelMusic construct for
> every volta and alternative.

I use \repeat quite often. So far I've used \set Score.repeatCommands
instead of \repeat and \alternative. It works, but I'm not sure if
it's a good way..

I can't understand what you mean with "instantiating a \parallelMusic
construct for every volta and alternative".
Even this (just repeat without alternatives) does not work:

\parallelMusic #'(VoiceA VoiceB) {
  \repeat volta 2 {
  r4 g' c e ~ |
  c,1 |

  e4 g, c e ~ |
  b1 |

\new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff { \clef "G_8" \relative c << \VoiceA \\ \VoiceB  >> }
\new TabStaff { \clef "moderntab" \relative c << \VoiceA \\ \VoiceB  >> }


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