Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> Hi Roman,
>> You can see the bit I'm trying to transcribe at
> That's clearly an engraving error in the original — the word is
> "tendresse", and should be engraved "ten - dres - - - se".
> If you REALLY want to duplicate/propagate this error in your
> transcription, you can engrave it in Lilypond as
>   ten -- "dres__" -- se
> Hope this helps!
> Kieren.
I'm not convinced that it is an error -- at least it seems to be an
one as it occurs fairly frequently in the collection I'm looking at. Your
proposition isn't really satisfactory because the extender doesn't,
well, extend.

Still, taking your advice, and that of James, I've fallen back on

   ten -- dres -- _ se,

Thanks for your help and time


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